
Telehealth is the practice of using modern technology to provide health services remotely. In other words, telehealth software allows practitioners to interact with their patients using online video...

Intake sessions and filling out intake forms aren’t just about information gathering. They also give your clients their first impression of your practice...

Today, there isn’t a successful health practice that doesn’t use a business management solution and it’s obvious why. Such technologies can make your operations faster and more streamlined...

The past couple of years have seen a staggering growth in long-distance technologies like telehealth platforms. These are the software solutions that allow health workers to provide services to their patients using video – in situations where physical contact with the patient isn’t necessary or could even present a risk to their wellbeing...

Even the best therapists struggle with how to take good notes; finding the right system that works for your practice isn’t always easy. Some mental health practitioners take only the minimum amount of notes required by law (or by insurance companies)...

Mental health treatment is rarely a straightforward process. Shifting priorities, life events, and new issues turn therapy in different directions all the time...