
In the business world, every aspect of the customer journey matters. Starting even before the first point of contact to long-term engagement, creating a holistic and exceptional surrounding experience is crucial for building strong relationships with clients...

Encouraging people to digitally engage with your small business can be a difficult endeavor, especially if you don’t have the right tools or know-how. It can be hard to get them to take any action through your website, social media, emails, or even text messages...

Encouraging your employees to feel invested, excited, and empowered is a critical component of any successful business, especially for an SMB. When you grant your team members access to the inner workings of your business, you give them a sense of ownership and belonging...

As a small business owner, you’re always looking for ways to improve the customer experience. After all, happy customers lead to repeat business and referrals, which are essential to growing your business...

At vcita, we believe that SMS marketing should be accessible, which is why our platform makes it so easy. With vcita, you’ll be able to send SMS messages to your clients and keep them engaged with your business, with no headache necessary.  From automating appointment reminders to running promotions, vcita’s SMS marketing feature can help […]

How to turn leads into paying customers is an age-old question for small businesses. While the answer may seem complicated, it doesn’t have to be...

No one knows better than small businesses how important it is to build a strong relationship with customers. Maintaining customer relationships requires a lot of work, which is why customer relationship management (CRM) technologies and strategies are a must when it comes to both customer retention as well as bringing in new customers.  As is […]

At vcita, we know that clients love having the power to do things when it is most convenient for them, which doesn’t necessarily mean during your business hours.  So what happens when the mood strikes and a client wants to book an appointment at 2 am on a random Tuesday night? Sure, there’s a chance […]

While you’re having tomorrow morning’s coffee, you’ll probably open the vcita mobile app to get a glimpse of the day ahead. You’ll scroll through the day’s upcoming meetings, check new client messages, and maybe generate a quick estimate or invoice...

All business owners need to plan ahead and make tough decisions about their business on a daily basis. Lack of preparation and understanding of their overall big picture can hinder a small business owner’s ability to be an effective leader for their business...

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